...building brands
When Wael, the CEO, first talked to us about Gourmet Street Food we where puzzled arguing that it would be either “gourmet” or “street food”, Wael then asked us: Why? It was then that the picture became clear: we have to bring gourmet food to the streets, we had to break this elitarian barrier and have everyone benefits by the excellence.
...creating experiences
Marlena, the COO, is a well travelled woman with a poliedric academic backgound, she revolutionized the the standard Knowledge-Skills-Attributes (KSA) into (KESA) introducing the (E)xperience into the paradigm
...establishing relationships
When it comes to money, Samra el-Aidy , our Sales Manager says it is reductive to narrow it down to commerce, he likes to build trust relationships with our suppliers and customers, flexibility is a key factor to achieve a strong relationship.
What makes us a happy company? Pehaps the fact that we are in Finland, a country that a recent UN report recognized as the happiest country in the world, perhaps because our multicultural office is populated by professionals that love our friendly atmosphere and have a weakness for good food and easthetics or simply because we were friends before becoming collegues.
When building a Brand the whole office gathers in a brainstorming session, our HQ becomes the cradle of the concept where all departments discuss all aspects of the branding process.
At the office. coffee and choccolate cakes are our nourishment ensuring the quantity of caffeine and nutrients called flavanols, which dilate vessels and increase blood flow to the brain allowing us to be more creative.At this point our discussions are passionate and you can breathe the birth of a new Brand.
when selecting our suppliers, we choose them also by looking at how they are promoting equality, fair labour practices and ultimately alternative/ethical economic conditions.
We strongly believe that a happy employee will benefit our company so we are comitted to give “our family” the best working conditions we can afford.